Matrix UT Enhanced with Real-Time Adaptive Wall Thickness Correction

As part of the Matrix UT system, the UTM V2 incorporates real-time adaptive wall thickness by automatically adjusting the calculations in real time when it detects changes in the wall thickness. This is particularly important in structures like extruded or seamless pipes where the wall thickness might not be uniform around the circumference.

Without WT correction, the depth of any flaws or indications found in TT-T, TT-TT, or ID-OD, as with TT-TTT modes might be inaccurately represented. If the wall thickness increases, the depth of the flaw appears deeper than it actually is, and vice versa.

The T-T mode reliably provides accurate depth measurements. However, when switching to modes such as T-TT, TT-TT, and using weighted summation, the process becomes more complex and the results are more likely to be inaccurate and unclear.

Case Study

In the study presented below, we conducted scans of two hemispherical head slots at fixed depths of 10mm and 20mm from the outer diameter (OD), with the wall thickness (WT) varying between 27.5mm and 32.5mm, without applying WT correction.

As illustrated in Figure 1, variations in WT significantly influence the image reconstruction quality in the TT-T mode. Specifically, the application of weighted summation in this context yields an image that complicates the identification of hemispherical head slots.

Upon implementing WT correction, both the individual modes and the weighted summation process produce accurately calculated and clearly displayed results, as depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 1. Impact of Wall Thickness Variation on TT-T Mode Image Reconstruction Without WT Correction

Figure 2: Enhanced Clarity in Mode Imaging and Weighted Summation with WT Correction Applied


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